There is an array of professional help on the Resource page of this website. Below are some suggestions of good books and songs that you might enjoy on your journey.
'This song reminds me of my son's and daughter-in-law's support as I completed the program at The Meadows. It continues to mean so much to me.'
'Amy's All Hail King Jesus gives me hope and excitement for the future. I have sung it often (sometimes in the middle of the night) since returning home.'
'Mary-Louise sang this song over and over during my stay at The Meadows. I couldn't have accomplished what I have without her unwavering love and support.'
'Listening to this song reminds me that I don't have to live in depression and fear any longer.'
'King of Kings is special to me because it reminds me that Jesus carries me when I cannot do it. He never leaves me. He never forsakes me!'
'This song drove home the fact that Jesus never leaves; despite my failures, sins, weaknesses.'
'Matthew West does a great job of reminding me that nothing that I do - NOTHING -excludes me from Jesus or God. Change is definitely necessary but the thief on the cross next to Jesus did one thing good his whole life - he asked Jesus for mercy.'
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